being a jew, comics

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  • Whammo!

    newredshoes Apr 24, 2016 17:18

    I'm like... distracted, it's been such a full and good few days. Hmm.

    Discovered not only a pretty amazing and heartbreaking Bucky+Winter Soldier vid, but discovered through some link-clicking that the (!!!!!) minor key version of "Star-Spangled Man" that accompanies it has tabs at the YouTube link. Obviously I need to get into more of Read more... )

    being a jew, hole in my pocket, comics, i had a date (captain america), got a youtube account and a ukulele

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  • Too many links. Too many saved tabs. Send help.

    newredshoes Mar 17, 2016 11:16

    Oh my god, what are the links I can share so I can pare down my One Tab? It's at 948 links now, most of them probably Tumblr posts I meant to either reblog eventually or engage with the media therein. That's not actually the right way to spend a nice-looking day like this one, but I'm going to do some baby steps. These have no rhyme or reason!

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    being a jew, fooding, hole in my pocket, comics, link-mongering, known goober sebastian stan, dan sinker made me do it (journalism)

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